Wednesday, May 19, 2010

In my readings of all my older posts, I am disappointed. I really need to make some decisions with my life and move forward. I have really had a few not so great years, which maybe someday I will openly discuss, but I just am not any farther in life than I was 3 years ago.
This has to change.
I read my past posts and they are not happy, and I usually am a happy person.
They kind of rain on their own parade.
So, I vow to make the rest of this year better.
I have goals in life, but they are long term. I need to set short term ones.
I need to look back and be happy with what I have done and accomplished.
Now my kids are pretty amazing.
Yay for that.
and I have some good friends.
yay for that.
we are healthy
and I have a steady job
another yay
and I have my entire life in front of me
a big yay for that!

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